
Thursday, July 07, 2005

One of the best photographs for this year!

This I got from a friend and is supposed to be one of the best photographs of this year! I don't know if it is true or not. But, look at the clarity of this photograph....!


  1. Cho Chweet .. All pics are cute and superb Narenn

  2. Thanks for the complements Karthik!
    I was slowly loosing interest......but, I regained it after reading your comments:-)


  3. Narendra,
    Picture Galu Bombatagidhe, Doubte Illa!!!
    Honestly speaking I was expecting some mind boggling, thought provoking, articles from you that I can learn...ree bring out the writer in you Narendra,,,,I am waiting....

  4. Kishan/Karthik,

    For past 2-3 months, my mind is full of tension.....not office related. At home, our house had become like a market......full of people.....shouting.....fighting.....etc! I have to bring anybody who wants to come and send them to whichever place they like to go!:-)
    So, I had virtually become a driver......I have travelled to airport nearly 10 times in 2 months!
    With all this, I have accepted the responsibility of editing "Seva Disha" monthly news-bulleting of Hindu Seva Pratishthana and also writing articles to "Aapta Samvaada". Currently I am involved in writing series of articles related to Vanga-Bhanga. And all this along with the pushes and pulls of family life and also Sangh work!
    Maybe everybody else is also doing this much or more than this. But, this is too much for me! So, I think I have stopped thinking......!!
    Anyway, in the days to come I will try to write something according to your expectations.
    So, please tell me what type of writing are you expecting from me?

  5. Kshamisi,
    I am feeling guilty of putting unnecessary pressure on you.

    I can sense how pre -occupied you are. One thing I would say in this situation is that when I started to blog i was worked up personally. But blogging helped me ease it out. If You are comfortable, if you are finding some relaxation in finding interesting pictures to put it up on your blog, then go ahead Narendra. We also enjoyed it. And We will enjoy it.And More than anything else, if It relaxes you, its the thing, you should do.

    I blog to relax myself, and explore my strengths. In fact Thanks to you all, You ppl have played a vital role in it. Well, I would call my last post as a miscommunication, miscommunication of expectations rather!

    I have learnt few things from blogging since last month. I try to make few posts per week. I just pen down few trivial things that's in my mind. I am less restless now. I have started thinking. I made new friends. I've discovered few things about myself.

    Please write some articles on life,strengths, and some things which you learnt out by experience and which you want the younger(than you) people like Karthik and myself, not to make same mistakes in life, Which we can obviously learn either by experience or by knowing it from soemone who has experienced it. And write all these whenever you feel like doing so...
