
Friday, July 29, 2005

Three disturbing news items

Last week, I read about three news items. All of them are related to attack on Hindutva and will do lot of harm! First one is regarding, the Ramayana and Mahabharata in History books. Read the following paragraphs from the updated class IX NCERT book on ancient history: "Archaeological evidence should be considered far more important than long family trees given in the Puranas. Puranic tradition could be used to date Rama of Ayodhya around 2000 bce, but diggings and extensive explorations in Ayodhya do not show any settlement." And another portion tells like this about Krishna: "...though Krishna plays an important part in the Mahabharata, inscriptions and sculptural pieces found in Mathura between 200 bce and 300 ce do not attest his presence. Because of such difficulties, ideas of an epic age based on Ramayana and Mahabharata have to be discarded...." And another paragraph reads like this: "Ancient India's march to civilization was accompanied by growth of social discriminations. The attempt to bring back the past will mean perpetuation of social inequity which plagued the country." This change is not done by a Muslim or Christian, but by a Hindu Prof.Ram Sharan Sharma!! Imagine about the impact of this on future generations! Lord Mecaulay must be laughing in his tomb!! The second news is about the Christian missionary activity, in Tirupathi. Evangelists are targetting the sacred site of Tirumala and in a direct affront to the Hindu community, which has for centuries regarded all seven hills as holy, have starting gathering on the slopes in groups for public prayers. Clearly we are witnessing the development of a major assault upon one of the most venerated sites of the Hindu community. Should it happen, it will be a desecration at par with that of the Mylapore Shiva temple in Chennai. Hitherto, there has never been any question of a structure other than the shrine of Lord Venkateshwara on these hills, and it bears remembering that it is the hills that are holy and not merely the mandir which adorns them. For instance, a temple along a busy thoroughfare would be holy, but the adjacent land would not be deemed sacred. What lends urgency to Hindu fears is the fact that six large churches have already sprung up on the road to Tirumala (Bye-pass road and new Bye-pass road) that leads to Alipiri, the foot of the hills. It is therefore imperative that the State Government recognize the entire seven hills as the sacred abode of Shri Venkateshwara, and ensure that no structure of any other religion is allowed to come up there. Third news was regarding the Masjid constructed inside the premises of Belur Chennakeshava temple! I was very surprised to know that it was completely constructed and had to be brought down after protests. So, what was the local Hindu samaj doing when the construction was going on? How did the muslims dare to construct a masjid within the premises of hindu temple? Is this the secularism that our politicians keep talking about? Imagine what would have happened, if a temple was constructed in the premises of Jama masjid? Leave temple construction. Even they don't allow national flag to fly there! That is what happened in Hubli in the Kittur Chennamma grounds on August 15th. Even the police and government stood with muslims. Just because a Idga wall is constructed in a public ground, they are not allowing the national flag to fly there, national anthem to be sung there! When will our Hindu samaj realize this and raise its voice against all these anti-social activities? When will it give final warning to all those who talk or act against the interests of Hindu samaj and Bharat?


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