
Thursday, November 30, 2006

Stop That Annoying Firefox Unresponsive Script Warning

Firefox is a wonderful browser. But, sometimes it starts behaving weirdly and the user might get frustrated with this. But, the good thing about firefox is, that you can do any type of configuration you want. In fact, you can see all the configuration with a single command. In the address bar type about:config and the browser will show up all the configuration. Here itself you can add or delete or modify the configuration! One such thing that annoyed me a lot is the "Unresponsive Script Warning" which made my browser very slow and also my Solaris box used to freeze for few minutes!! I searched in the Internet and found a way to correct this and posting it for the help of others who face similar/same problem: 1. Type about:config in your URL bar 2. In the filter box type dom.max_script_run_time 3. Right click on the entry and click Modify 4. Enter 20 (Many people say that more than 20 will not be accepted. But, I have given more and till now I haven't faced any problem)


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