
Friday, December 07, 2012

Do you want to increase your Alexa rank very easily?

I don't want to explain what is Alexa. You came here because you know about Alexa and want to increase your Alexa Rank.

Easiest way to increase Alexa Rank is to install Alexa Site Widget in your blog. The widget will look like this:

Click on that widget and it will show the traffic chart and many other site related info. People have reported that within few days of installing the widget, their traffic has gone up significantly and this has improved their Alexa ranking!

Goto this link:    to get the widget.
In that page, you will see a button "Build Widget" and adjacent to that is a text box. Enter your blog url in the text box and click on the button. It will give you a code and add that code in your blogger.


  1. I have been Visiting alexa
    but the widgets dosent increase your traffic
    I think Just having the account on alexa is also enough
    what do you think

  2. Hello Kartik,

    Thanks for visiting my blog and dropping a comment.
    I have added a widget and expecting an improvement. I don't know if you have tried that already. If so, can you please let me know the duration you waited for the rank to improve?

    And also can you please let me know. how the rank can improve by just having an account in Alexa?

    Alexa rank is dependent on the traffic you will draw to your blog. Just by having an Alexa account will not help improve the traffic, right?

  3. Actually the widgets just counts the number of vistor you get daily and compares it with other alexa users.
    I actually dosent increase your site rank.
    that is in real your traffic dosent increase.
    id you know bit of programming you can have a look at the code of alexa widget in which you will find the url to alexa widgets javascipt.
    see here
    Link :

    ( )
