
Friday, April 19, 2013

……Because we are “Secular”!!!! - Part3

When a Muslim doctor from India was arrested in Australia Manmohan singh said "I spent sleepless nights".
Suryanarayana an Engineer from Andhra, was beheaded by the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Manmohan singh  did not utter a single word and didnot have to lose sleep - because Suryanarayana was a Hndu!
Manmohan singh had announced "The Muslims of the country have the first right over the resources of the country".
When people are being looked at as a Muslim to give priority, nobody cried/shouted that he is communal!

When the Kanchi Shankaracharya was arrested in a false case the Congress men said "Law will take its course".
But when Abdul Nazeer Madani was arrested in the Coimbatore serial bomb blast case, the Congress passed a resolution
in the Kerala assembly demanding his  release. Why the law is not allowed to take its own course this time?
Because, Abdul Nazeer Madani is a Muslim and hence a VIP in this country!!
When Muslims are accused of terrorist acts, Congress men say "Terror has no religion or colour".
But when  Hindus are (falsely) accused of the same they don't think twice before calling it as "Saffron terror"!!
When palestinians are attacked by Israel, our government immediately condemns it.
When the Hindus are attacked and their temples are destroyed in Malaysia our government keeps quite!
(even when the Malaysian Hindu leaders appealed to the government of India, they kept silent)
Because, after all it is Hindu temples that is being destroyed and that too by the "Sicular" Muslims of Malaysia!!
Police don't arrest Shahi Imam of Delhi, even when there is a non-bailable arrest warrant for his anti-national speech.
But, police are sent at the mid of the night to attack the peaceful protest of Swami Ramdev against corruption.
Because, Swami Ramdev is not a Muslim and doesn't have right to protest in this "Sicular" country!!
Gujarat riots in which a few hundred Muslisms (and also Hindus) died is very heinous and is termed "pogrom" or "genocide".
Killing of thousands of Hindus and driving away of 5 lakh Hindus from the Kashmir valley by is not called genocide.
Because, killers in Kashmir were Islamic terrorists and killing is their birth right!!
Hassan Ali who evades thousands of crores of tax is let off by the CBI and IT.
Swami Ramdev who serves the poor with free Ayurvedic medicines is served scores of notices by the Incometax Department.

1 comment:

  1. Rajiv Gandhi who rubbished the Sikh genocide as," The earth quakes when a large tree falls" is a secular PM!
    All this is Congress brand of secularism!
