
Monday, October 07, 2013

Narendra Modi's Trichy visit and Liquor bottles!!!!

When Narendra Modi speaks, India listens and the numbers at his rallies are a testament to his skill as an orator and leader with a vision. And to his detractors who might have something to say for the multitudes that throng to the grounds to listen to him, here is proof that the crowd comes to listen to the man and not for the alleged ‘freebies’. A Tamil daily carried this short anecdote, which has been translated, post Narendra Modi’s Trichy Youth Conference.

After Modi’s youth conference at Trichy, the very next morning when police were clearing up their mini-control room, they found few boys who were roaming there with bags and they found it to be strange! When police enquired, those boys told them, "Sir, we are from Subramaniapuram in Trichy. Whatever political meeting or conference is held in this ground, we come here on the same night or morning hours to collect the liquor bottles. We get 50 paisa to 1 rupee per bottle when we sell them at scrap shop.We earn Rs.200 to Rs.400 after each such event. Recently when DMK conducted a party meeting, we came here next day morning and we collected around 1500 bottles. Today we are disappointed! We could not find even a single bottle in the whole ground. We went around the ground many times and have searched all the corners. But, we could not find any bottles and we are really disappointed sir!".

Its perhaps incomprehensible for the opposing faction that usually relies on sops to attract a crowd, the fact that the people want to listen to Narendra Modi and no body has to dangle a carrot in front of them. People are even paying entry fee to attend Modi's lectures!!


  1. what a news narendranna, You are really awesome.

  2. what a news Narendranna. This is really awesome.
