
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Mangalyaan's completed the tricky "Mid Course Correction" successfully!

1.    Mangalyaan has reached a crucial stage and is now in uncharted territory as far as ISRO is concerned. No Indian spacecraft has ever travelled so far!
2.    The mission was launched on November 5, 2013, from Sriharikota, in Andhra Pradesh. It revolved around the Earth till the end of November.
3.    On December 1st, it left the Earth's orbit and began its journey towards Mars after a crucial and tricky midnight operation to give it a nudge to escape the Earth's gravity.
4.    It was about 2.9 million km away from the Earth when the mid-course correction was done. It involved first re-orienting the spacecraft and then firing its smaller rockets to give it a nudge.
5.    The Trajectory Correction Manoeuvres or TCMs are done to fine-tune the mission, so that it keeps on the precise intended track. This was the first of four TCM, which will be carried out as the Mars Orbiter Mission heads towards the Earth's red neighbour.
6.    The Rs.450 Crore mission is expected to reach Mars on September 24, 2014. If it does that successfully, India will become the first Asian nation to do this.
7.    No country has succeeded in reaching Mars on the first attempt. More than half of all missions to Mars have ended in failure, including China's in 2011 and Japan's in 1998.
8.    The Mars Orbiter Mission is not taking the shortest route to the Red Planet. ISRO explained that it is travelling about 680 million km in an elliptical orbit as this requires the least amount of fuel. On the shorter route, scientists said, a large amount of fuel would be needed to accelerate and later decelerate to match the planet's speed.
9.    Once it reaches Mars, the Mangalyaan will revolve around the 'Red Planet' for six months and announce India's triumph. The mission has made international headlines, at least in part for its cost-efficiency.

Courtesy: NDTV Website

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