
Monday, December 16, 2013

To Beautify Bangalore - Send SMS to "Bangalore Mayor" to clear up garbage in your area.

Mayor of Bangalore Sri B.S.Satyanarayana has told in a newspaper interview that, people can call him up directly and give suggestions/complaints.
He has told that, his top priority is to clear Garbage from Bangalore and fill the pot holes on all the roads.

I think, unless people start complaining, things won't move. People should call him up or send SMS to complain about the problem. As more and more people start complaining, the BBMP will be forced to act. So, share this contact number with all your friends and relatives. Start sending your complaints to "Our Mayor". We will force the BBMP to act fast.

So, here is his contact number:
080-22975501 or 9341220836


  1. That's a good initiative! I hope the management said that on a serious note! If something like that happens in Delhi, I will bombard the sms number with requests!

  2. Hi Shilpi,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
    Bangalore will become better, only if people of Bangalore become aware and active.
    I have sent an SMS to Mayor about the garbage dump in the Kanakapura Main Road, which is a national highway!
    The BBMP people have to be taught the meaning of cleanliness. They can't even imagine, how a clean city will look like - because, they have never seen a cleaner place! BBMP should take initiative to educate them in this direction.


  3. Hi Narendra,

    I agree with you and Shilpa. But do you know how many of all our educated take the responsblity of making sure the garbage is put in the designated place help the BBMP people. So many time even after putting up the board put the garbage in designated place. Ppl just dump garbage in some place. Check any of the festival like Diwali , Ppl are so lazy to even clean the roads infront of thier home. They want BBMP employees to come and Clean the road for them. So there should be equal responsblity of citizens in creating the clean Bangalore.


  4. Hi Rama,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I agree that, people should behave responsibly.
    People throw garbage on road and then complain that the authorities don't work. But, the same people behave differently when they go abroad! Why?
    In our area, people throw garbage on the main road. I think, the fault is not just with the people. The BBMP garbage collectors themselves dump all the collected garbage at that place. Also, they don't go to every road to collect garbage. People cannot keep garbage for more than 2-3 days. So, they go out and throw it near the dump used by BBMP garbage collectors!
    BBMP should not dump garbage on main road, right? They should find a different place to collect and segregate garbage. If the authorities are ok with throwing garbage on main road, people will also do the same.

    Our people and also authorities should understand the meaning of "Cleanliness", how a beautiful city looks like and should love their city. Unless this happens, the city cannot be kept clean.
