Sanskrit College, Mylapore, Madras is a great old institution and deserves to go on. Let us do our bit to help them continue their good work. Please help them with your contributions.
Please also forward this to your contacts that you think may want to help.
I have pasted below an appeal mail received for your information please.
Dear All, I'm sad to put this news - which is quite painful to read...however the fact of the matter needs to be brought out. It is about saving a “Sanskrit Research Institute” the only one alive in Tamil Nadu. Those who wish to contribute need not do at free of cost - become a life-time member of this prestigious institution and receive publications from this institute free of cost for the life-time. Now when you pay Rs. 2000/- and become a life member - you'll receive about 8 Hard-bound books free of cost - including 4 volumes of Mahabashyam of Sage Patanjali (the great vyaakarana treatise) in Sanskrit with English translation and “Sanskrit Bija Ganita” (Algebra) treatise. Thus your contribution will help to save one of India's premier Sanskrit research Institute and also you receive books free of cost.
Kindly send your donations to:
Dr. K.S.Balasubramanian, Dy.Director, Kuppuswamy Sastri Research Institute, Sanskrit College, Mylapore, Chennai. Phone- 044-24985320